Community Activity Centre @ St John’s Bentleigh

Term 4 2022 Program


These are community events which are open to all.
Events are free unless a cost is specifically indicated.
Why not come along and see!



  • Mondays 10am-12pm Craft, Cuppa and Chat (bring your own project)

  • Wednesdays 11am Bible Study and Chat

  • Thursdays 3.30pm Tutoring (secondary maths and English
    and primary levels)

Craft and cuppa
Bring your favourite craft or current project.


Market day.
Come along for a bargain or sausage!


  • Last Tuesday 7.30 pm Garden Club - open to all
    Dates: 27/7, 31/8 and 28/9

  • Fourth Saturday 9.30am-1pm Kids and Craft Market

    (Gold coin for raffle ticket on entry)
    Creative crafts and everything you need for
    kids: new and old. Drop into the lounge for
    tea and a chat or grab a sausage from
    the sausage sizzle.

