Lent starts on Wednesday 2 March 2022 (Ash Wednesday)

There will be three opportunities to join a study group for the six weeks between Ash Wednesday and Easter Day - two will meet in person and one will meet online via Zoom.

Monday evenings with Gwen and John Wilson - (This group is now fully subscribed)

Tuesday afternoons in the Narthex at St John’s with Eleanor Newcombe

Thursday evenings online via Zoom with the Revd Alex Scutt, priest and parish musician. (Participants will be sent the link details before the first session.) This will be an excellent choice for those who feel they need to isolate and not meet in person.

The Monday and the Tuesday group will be studying the resource prepared by Bishop Bill Ray, formerly a parish priest in Melbourne and then Bishop of North Queesland “Conversations with our Awesome God”

Thursday nights will examine the resource from the Anglican Board of Mission called Repairing the Breach.

Please contact the parish office on 9557 2226 and leave your name with our parish administrator Cindy Utari indicating which group you would like to join. This will allow the office to order sufficient resources.

The cost for the resource books for both “Conversations with our Awesome God” and “Repairing the Breach” is $12 per copy.